Drinks · Photography



I am surviving summer with lemonade. Fresh cold lemonade. Who doesn’t love a cold lemonade?

My recipe is simple so you can make it any time you like.


  • 3 lemon juices
  • 1 liter water
  • A bunch of fresh mint leaves
  • ½ tea spoon Stevia sugar


Mix everything together. If you don’t have ice put the jar in the fridge. Enjoy!


73 thoughts on “Lemonade

  1. Ahh, you are a life saver! It is BOILING in England right now (for the first time in ages haha) and there’s nothing like a nice glass of lemonade – and it has stevia in it, awesome! Nice post 😉

  2. Lemonade is the best thirst quencher for all summer long, I definitely agree 🙂 and with some types of lemon it’s perfect also without sugar.
    I remember last summer in Amalfi, a big glass of just pure lemon juice squeezed on the moment, made with the local famous lemons. Just that, nothing else, and not sour at all 🙂
    I agree also on mint, lemon and mint are a perfect couple 🙂

  3. I’m a big sweetened Ice Tea guy in the summer. Not much of a Lemonade guy because I never really found a solid recipe to go on….until today!

  4. I have my own in the making! Mint is on the balcony, waiting to be picked. And – I have a stevia plant this year. So will be experimenting with it. Sweet!!

  5. Lemonade is a perfect summer drink – it is easy to make, it is tasty and refreshing and healthy as well, at least healthier than drinking store-bought juice 😀

  6. I’m in need of some lemonade. I’ll have to try adding mint! I grew up on fresh mint iced tea because mint grew like wildfire in our backyard. Thanks, and great photos!

  7. Gorgeous photos! I love a sprinkle of rosewater in my lemonade. Makes it super aromatic!

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