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Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts

I found about cashew nuts a few years back. I like the taste and I love to use them in my sweets. They also have a lot of benefits. I am not an expert but is good to know.

They are full of anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. They belong to Brazil. They were brought to India in the 16th century.


  • They contain oleic acid which is very good for the heart
  • They are cholesterol free
  • They contain proanthocyanidis and high copper which help fight against cancerous cells
  • They contain magnesium and is good for your bones and blood pressure
  • They also contain selenium
  • They help your digestion
  • They are rich in Vitamins: riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid
  • Help you sleep better
  • Helps your body to utilize iron properly and eliminate free radicals
  • They also protects us from macular degeneration


So, if you are not allergic or have other medical condition, start eating cashew nuts. Once a week eat a few of them and is the first step to a healthy diet.

Cashew nuts

34 thoughts on “Cashew nuts

  1. Interesting; I like the taste a lot but was not aware of the benefits. I think I’ll take your suggestion of eating once week. Petronela, my wife, doesn’t like the taste much but likes other nuts, particularly brazils and pistachios (Father Christmas usually leaves some of the latter in her stocking 😃).

  2. I love cashew nuts! They are so good in savoury dishes too! I soak them and blend them into sauces, make dressings or chuck them into stirfrys!

  3. Thank you for spreading the good word on nuts! What’s more, cashews, like all other nuts, and contrary to popular belief, will not make you gain weight!
    We are nut people, my husband and I. We used to associate them with sweet foods… until I came up with a super easy salty spread recipe that uses both cashews and walnuts.
    Let’s all (save for people with nut allergies) include them in our diets!

  4. Yes, definitely a great nut to add to our diet.
    My favorite is cashew chicken stir fry. I keep them (and walnuts) front and center in the refrigerator so I can grab a few if I feel the urge to snack.

  5. Cashew is tasty and healthy food over the world. But it is costly to buy, some qualities and places in India it is very expensive than usual. Cashew is a dream food in India yet 2019! In India which food made with 5% of cashew that is mostly out of reach of general people. Which food contains huge cashew that is difficult to sell in restaurant due to the price! Daily having of Cashew is luxury till today in India! We always don’t dare to experiment with it! My aim is not to hurt anyone but to present the reality of Cashew in india!

  6. Pingback: Cashew nuts — Cooking Without Limits – SEO

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