Appetizer · Photography

Vegan beetroot puree


Beetroots have long been used for medicinal purposes. It is low in fat, full of vitamins and minerals and packed with powerful antioxidants. You need to add it to your daily or weekly intake food.

Roasting takes more time than boiling, but the beetroot is sweeter and has a more intense red color. There are so many simple recipes with beetroot and very healthy. If you are cooking for the first time beetroot do a mash beetroot recipe. It’s so very close to the mash potato recipe and you can’t go wrong.


  • 1 beetroot
  • 5 potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • Salt and pepper


Put the unpeeled beetroot and potatoes in a pot and boil them for 45 minutes or until soft. Peel them and puree them with the butter. Season with salt and pepper.

You can use a food processor for the beetroot if is too fibrous.

If you want the not vegan version of this recipe use butter instead of oil. Butter gives a better texture and taste.

I have other recipes here with beetroot if you feel more adventurous: Beetroot smoothie and Beetroot salad with seeds.



38 thoughts on “Vegan beetroot puree

  1. Looks amazing! I usually roast my beets as I find that a bit less messy…although it takes longer for them to cook I would imagine. I will definitely follow your recipe. Thanks

  2. I add pureed beets to my gluten, dairy and nightshade free cakes and it works great as a moisture binder. And if the cake is not chocolate it leaves such a lovely bright pink color!

  3. I can’t wait to try this recipe right now! I have some beets and regular russet potatoes and sweet potatoes. Do you think sweet potatoes will work or should I just stick with the russet potatoes? I also have some cauliflower, so I’ll just experiment a little. Thanks for the inspiration!

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