Drinks · Photography

Green smoothie

green smoothie

When you’re making your first few green smoothies, don’t just throw things in the blender. Chances are, it’ll taste nasty if you wing it right out of the gate. To save you a few smoothie-fails, bust out those cute little measuring cups and follow this simple formula: 60% fruits to 40% leafy greens.

Add naturally sweet fruits to any smoothie that tastes bitter or a bit too “green.” By sticking with naturally sweet fruits like bananas, mango, apples, pears or pitted dates, we avoid artificial sweeteners and processed sugars.

You can blend your green smoothie the night before and store it in your fridge (up to 2 days). Use an airtight lid to limit oxidation and keep it as fresh as possible. When ready to drink, give it a good shake before you open.


– 2 cups baby spinach (fresh)

– 1 banana  (medium peeled frozen ripe, sliced)

– 1 kiwi fruit  (peeled and chopped)

– 1 tea spoon chia seeds

– 1 tea spoon hemp seeds

– 1/2 tea spoon flax seeds

– 1 small cucumber (peeled and chopped)

– 1 medium apple (peeled and chopped)

– 1/4 avocado (peeled and chopped)

– 150 ml water


Place the seeds, vegetables and fruits in the blender in this order. Process until smooth and then add the water. Enjoy!




49 thoughts on “Green smoothie

  1. Thanks so much for the new green drink inspiration! We’ve been using our Nutribullet with reckless abandon, and it’s nice to find something a little different to add into the mix!

  2. I totally agree with you on the fruit to vegetable ratio! This looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it (once I steal my boyfriend’s funky blender)!
    And thanks for liking my latest post 🙂

  3. Inspiring recipe, normally we just use buttermilk & fruits but I love the green ones (Hit & miss sometimes). You have beautiful photos and the juxtapositions work so well. Looking forward to more, N

  4. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog and enjoying the post on “Food Pics”. You have BEAUTIFUL photos of food! I will have to peek around more and try to get some tips to help my with my food pic journey 🙂

  5. I’m so loving your smoothie recipes. I’ve made a short list and as soon as this snow melts I’m going to whole foods.