
Festivities in honor of a New Year’s arrival

The earliest recorded festivities date back some 4,000 years to ancient Babylon. For the Babylonians, the start of a new year was heralded by the first new moon following the vernal equinox—the day in late March with an equal amount of sunlight and darkness. They marked the occasion with Akitu which was a massive religious… Continue reading Festivities in honor of a New Year’s arrival

Appetizer · Photography

Christmassy breakfast

Let me start by saying Happy Holidays! Finally, Santa came. Kids are happily playing with the toys and the parents are enjoying a coffee or hot cocoa. There are lots of traditions around the globe. When I was a child a use to unwrap the gifts in the morning, but since I got married I… Continue reading Christmassy breakfast

Appetizer · Desserts · Maine dish · Photography

Menu ideas for Christmas

Christmas cooking can be daunting. The pressure to make it good, make it tasty, and just make it work is big. Planning ahead is the key. It always starts with choosing the right menu. Sorting out what you’re going to cook and when, and then prepping the dishes, is the secret to Christmas Day success. Think… Continue reading Menu ideas for Christmas

Drinks · Photography

Pineapple and raspberry smoothie

Raspberry and pineapple smoothie One of my favorite smoothies in the world is this one. I love the taste and the texture. Do you have a favorite smoothie?   Ingredients: 1 cup raspberry1 banana½ cup slices of pineapple200 ml water Directions: Place the raspberries, pineapple, and banana in the blender in this order. Process until… Continue reading Pineapple and raspberry smoothie

Desserts · Photography

November 28th 2021 – USA National French Toast Day

The French call this toast “pain perdu” (lost bread), because you can use stale bread to make it. Most experts agree that French toast dates back to ancient Rome. Food historians believe the term “French” does not even mean France; instead, it refers to the verb “to French” which means “to slice” in Old Irish.  Irish… Continue reading November 28th 2021 – USA National French Toast Day

Desserts · Photography

2021 Friday, November 26thNational Cake Day

The word "cake" has Vikings' origins. It comes from the Old Norse word “kaka”. Early cakes in England were also essentially bread. The big difference between a "cake" and "bread" was the round, flat shape of the cakes. The cooking method was also different: cakes were turned over once while cooking, while bread was left… Continue reading 2021 Friday, November 26thNational Cake Day

Food photography tips · Photography

Camera Angles for Your Food Photography

Camera angles are just important as everything else. Choosing the right angle can make your photo more powerful. Also, choosing a camera angle is subjective and personal. It gives an identity to the photographer. I am trying to visualize my photos before starting to shoot, so I have an idea about my composition and my… Continue reading Camera Angles for Your Food Photography