
Love of food


We need food, quality food for a quality life. I love food. Don’t get me wrong, I am not eating till I pass out kind of love. Is more of a eating a delicious meal kind of love.

Eating good food in a healthy quantity is my philosophy.

I love trying new meals, new fruits or vegetables. Living in a small city in a small country, I discover almost every day new great things about food, and with internet and all the information out there, is so easy to educate yourself about it.

I always had this love for food, for the ingredients, for the cooking process and for the presentation.

George Bernard Show said “There is no sincerer love than love of food”.

I have food that I tried and I didn’t like it. I am teaching my son to taste the food and discover the love for it. Sometimes it takes time to appreciate a meal but sometimes you just fell in love with a meal.

I love food because brings family and friends together. We bond other a barbeque or a holiday dinner, or just a simple gathering.

I love food because we have so many choices: Chinese, Italian, Greek, Mexican, etc. Every day could be a different meal.

And most of all, I love food because I can cook it, I can make new recipes, I can improvise, I can make something special and unique, healthy for me and my family. Made with love, food will have a part of you and it will make you feel great.

So keep loving food!

115 thoughts on “Love of food

  1. Love your post. Motivated me to cook up something delicious and special today for myself and my fiancé rather than something usual. 🙂 Usual is good though but with all the options available.. Why not go for something new or improvised at least once a week or month? My fiancé at least will appreciate that, she tends to get bored when I get excited about some particular food and make it nearly every day for weeks in a row.. =P

  2. Love this post, and can very much relate. Good food is a true sensual pleasure of the eyes, nose, tastebuds, mind and sometimes, even the ears, and should be enjoyed for the wonderful thing it is.

  3. “There is no sincerer love than the love of food” – the best sentence I have heard this week! I love the diversity of foods and its ability to connect people. I think there is no better place to make contact with people than a dining table 🙂

  4. I completely agree…I’m diabetic and hearing that diagnosis was like death for me…but really it all goes back to food, it control you mood, mind, body and senses. Also…the photography is beautiful on your blog…absolutely love it.

    1. Improvisation is artistry. It can be agonising to slave away at the details but if there’s one thing more rewarding than seeing your ideas brought to life through hard work it’s tasting them.

  5. Everyday CAN be a different meal, I cant agree with you more. I love the simple idea of Chinese today and Italian tomorrow, made in our own kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It is so wonderful to read words I completely relate to and feel myself. I love the passion you convey and that quote was awesome! Thank you for sharing

  7. Hi im a foodie too. i’m starting my blog and i really like yours, would you please go to mine and let me know your thoughts. I really would appreciated. Thanks in advance, now im following you so ill keep in touch. Regards GT

  8. I like your writing style, it is very simple, almost poetic, and you keep it as simple and unsophisticated as possible. I feel the same way as you do about food, about trying something new every day…keep writing and I will keep following your blog…

  9. Thanks for the love on my blog earlier! Also, your article is so true! Food can really become a mindful experience and I believe that everyone should slow down and take the time to appreciate it for what it is.