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Organic, organic, organic

vegetable garden

A few years ago, I start hearing about organic gardening and start reading about it.

What’s all the fuss about organic produce? When you see it stacked and misted on in the produce section, it all looks about the same.

Organic gardening, once seen as something practiced only by health nuts and hippies, is no longer a fad. Everyone wants the food we serve to our families as well as our environment to be safe and healthy.

Wanting to do no harm to our families and the world around us is the central reason people grow organically.

Growing organically is a way of taking control, an attempt to make the foods you serve full of the good things your family needs, and free of the things they don’t.

For me, organic gardening was easy, because we use only organic materials. We still do our gardening in the old fashion way, so all our products taste so good.


It’s the way our great grandparents gardened, the way food was raised for thousands of years before the invention, wide-spread use, and deceptive advertising of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Going organic is not a compromise.

A deep, organically rich soil encourages the growth of healthy, extensive roots that are able to reach more nutrients and water. The result: extra-lush, extra-productive growth above ground.GAB_2443_res

For the healthiest plants, make sure you have good growing conditions. For most vegetables, that means full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sun a day).

In most soils, fertilizing your vegetables isn’t necessary, but it will help them grow faster and give better crops. If you feed your plants, choose natural products. Well-rotted animal manure from plant-eating critters (rabbits, horses, sheep, chickens) is a great source.


A layer of mulch over the soil not only helps reduce weeds, but it creates a barrier that can prevent fungal disease spores from splashing up onto plant leaves. In most cases, a layer of mulch 1 to 2 inches thick is best.

For an extra bonus, use a mulch made from an organic material that will decompose (such as cocoa hulls or weed-free straw). As it breaks down, it adds organic matter to the soil for you.

One of the hardest lessons for first-time organic vegetable growers is that organic gardens don’t look perfect. They’ve achieved a balance where there’s usually some form of damage from pests and diseases. Nature comes to the rescue before that spotted leaf becomes a plague.


88 thoughts on “Organic, organic, organic

  1. I respectfully disagree with your assertion that organic produce is environmentally sustainable, because studies show pesticide use in organic agriculture exceeds that of conventional agriculture, due to the adoption of genetically modified organisms in the latter. But, to each their own. I’m thankful we are able to make these kinds of choices in our grocery stores and markets.

    1. I would assume that is organic pesticides otherwise it shouldn’t be considered organic produce. I have a home garden and the use of pesticides (organic) are next to none.

      1. Of course, but they’re approved by certification agencies around the world. Because they tend to be less effective than conventional pesticides, they’re sprayed more liberally and more frequently. This still contributes to issues with pesticide dependence and so-called “super weeds,” and can still upset ecological balance. And, they’re still pesti-CIDES, so they can still be quite toxic. Really, the only requirement is that the source be organic, or from the earth.

        But, like I said, I value food choice, and I’m not here to persuade anyone to eat one way or the other. I just think, that scientifically, organic foods are no better than other foods.

  2. Unfortunately I have the opposite of a green thumb, I even managed to kill a cactus! I’d love to have my own garden some day and opt out of all the supermarket produce that looks great but tastes like nothing. Good on you!

  3. The term “Organic” has been “Green-washed” and much of what we find in local stores is not what consumers think they’re buying. Your post demonstrates true “Organic” methods. Thank you for sharing. I grow much of my own vegetables and herbs and find them much better than any store bought items, organic or otherwise.

  4. Very good post, i agree totally and grew a few of my own this year, however, you produced way more than me and your pics are beautiful!

  5. Hurrah! So many new vegans and vegetarians, cut out meat but keep processed, chemically laden poisoned food! Growing an organic garden and cooking from it, can lessen our carbon footprint, heal the planet, and heal our bodies!

  6. I do love how there is this fantastic movement back to our roots. Honestly, I hope it takes hold for good and we see a cultural shift towards local produce in support of a healthier lifestyle and our farmers! Beautiful pictures by the way. 🙂

  7. That last paragraph rings true for me. I ran into many pests this year in my garden and not everything looked perfect. Luckily, my 3 year old son like eating lettuce with bite marks out of it. I think he was actually motivated to eat it after I told him there were caterpillars eating the lettuce, too. The thing I had to really accept was being extra careful to triple wash everything do we would accidentally eat a bug.

  8. I love this post. I have been growing herbs for a few years but this was my first year turning my backyard into an organic vegetable garden. This has been an immensely rewarding experience for not only myself, but for my children too. I completely agree with everything you have said…. and your pictures are STUNNING.
    If you’re interested, please feel free to visit my site at

  9. We have a little garden too 😀 thanks for the like 😀 I’m New to this and I don’t know how to tag or add the share button. Seems like it wont work for me. Love 🙂 great info everyone should have a little veggie garden.

  10. What a great post! I am so glad I came across this! I have wanted to start a sustenance garden for my family for a long time,. and now I feel better armed to do so organically!

  11. Thanks for your like on my pulled pork tacos at myvirtuousfoods. I don’t do much gardening right now other than growing a few herbs, but I hope to begin more soon. Your blog will be helpful. 🙂

  12. Great post! Those tomatoes make me jealous! On Maui I have tried so hard to grow tomatoes with some success so right now I am into hearty lettuces like arugula and kale. They are doing awesome and take so little maintenance!

  13. Thanks for stopping by Rye Humour!

    Gorgeous harvest and beautiful photos– we just moved into a flat with our own tiny back garden, and I cannot wait for next year’s growing season to come around so I can start growing my own organic produce. 🙂

    xo Molly