Awards · Photography

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award



I was nominated for this award by  Dear Kitty, a blogger with an interesting diary about „ animals, peace and war, science, social justice, women’s issues, arts, and much more.” I recommend that you visit her blog.

Thank you for the nomination, Kitty!

The rules are:

Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer ten questions.
Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
Include the award logo within your blog post.


Your favorite colour …. Orange
Your favorite animal … Alligator

Your favorite non-alcoholic drink …. Lemonade
Facebook or Twitter – Facebook

Your favorite pattern ….. Wood pattern
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Getting
Your favorite number … 5
Your favorite day of the week … Saturday
Your favorite flower …. Daisy

What is your passion? ….. Photography

My nominees are:


The white ramekins


When Harry met salad

Ruhlman photography

La Petite paniere

Things we make

Melissa Poppins

Love life eat

Frugal Feeding

Food by Linda


8 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

  1. Congrats! Thanks for liking my recent post conversation heart sugar cookies! I love your photography. Very clean and elegant work!

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