Desserts · Photography

Chocolate Truffles


This is a wonderful recipe! It uses minimal, good quality ingredients and turns them into a success.




– 300 g extra bitter chocolate

– 7 tablespoons whipping cream

– 60 g cocoa powder


Chop chocolate into small pieces and place in bowl. Put in a saucepan plenty of water to a boil.Put the pan on heat and set bowl in the pan of hot water. Stir the chocolate gently until melted.Add the whipped cream  and stir chocolate. Put the mixture to cool, stirring occasionally. Blend the mix with mixer until fluffy and is beat lighter in color. Let in refrigerator covered for about 1 hour to harden.

Put cocoa powder over a large flat panel screens. Using two teaspoons create balls of chocolate mixture (or with hands to make balls). Put the balls in cocoa powder and put fingertip wallow through cocoa around. Let truffles in refrigerator to set. Serve at room temperature.


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28 thoughts on “Chocolate Truffles

  1. Going to be trying this one at home! Love your blog, so professional. May I ask where you gained your experience? Keen to explore photography more, unsure of whether a course is best or just practice practice practice and research!

    1. I am taking photos all the time. Find photos that you like and try to replicate those photos( light , subject, composition). It’s a good exercise. Read about photography and take photos all the time.

  2. Your truffles are so smooth and round … they’re supposed to be misshapen and lumpy like real truffles. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 🙂

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